Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Minimalist Portraits

Actual drawings! Three cheers for more art! I must say, drawing in a college dorm is quite fun while listening to your Pandora account. I felt like I was getting a little rusty with my artistic-ness so I sat down and just drew for a couple of hours. It was strangely liberating and not so strangely enjoyable. The reason why the last two are a slightly different color is because it's cream paper.

Since I love drawing the features of the face more than the entire head itself, I'm enjoying drawing minimalist portraits. Doing it makes focus on each individual part of the face and its placement on the face. And the one of the portraits is a girl and one is a boy. Guess which one! I tried hard to make them distinct but it was hard once I added the eyelashes. The ear was also fun to draw. It's weird seeing that I've never really fully drawn an ear. Yeah I've drawn it with less details but I never focused on the ear alone.

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