Friday, May 31, 2013

...And Cue Creativity

How long has it been since my last post? Meh, who's counting? But with freshman year at MIT over, I can finally get back to doing art. As much as I love physics and calculus and differential equations, I couldn't wait to get back to being creative. With the left side of my brain ready to tackle all sorts of mathematical and scientific problems, I'm ready to start exercising the skills of the right side (and utilize all the art supplies I got from Blick).

I started off slowly with some practice in lettering. A steady hand and good eye-hand coordination (notice the reversal) are basic necessities for drawing and painting. Since around the beginning of this year, I've been wanting to do some artistic renderings of quotes, famous or otherwise. It's good practice for having good judgment on layout and composition for graphic design projects or other art projects. Keep in mind, these aren't meant to be finished works of art, just practice sketches. Oh and my camera's batteries are dead, so until I can find new ones, the camera on my phone will have to do.

From one of my favorite poems by my favorite poet; "since feeling is first" by ee cummings

Going from design, I went back to traditional drawing. The first picture is just a tonal sketch to practice for the actual piece which will have the local colors. It's my first time using sanguine and bistre (the light and dark browns respectively) and I rather enjoyed using them with the black and white charcoal. The second picture is done with chalk pastels on pastelbord, a surface from Blick. It makes the pastels come out so smoothly and blend nicely, I love it already.

Expect more pastel paintings and quotes later! I might have some more fun with them. 
And everything was done whilst listening to my Piano Guys Radio on Pandora.