Still lifes are another one of my favorite things to draw, mostly because I have to draw what I see. There's also the perk of being able to arrange anything you want any way you want; it brings a lot of freedom. Here are some still lifes that I've done from earliest to latest.
Freshman year: Prismacolor colored pencils. There's not much contrast as you can see. |
Sophomore year: Prismacolor colored pencils. More contrast. The main focus was perspective, hence the stripes (no comment on the toys). |
Junior year: Acrylic paint. We focused mainly on the shapes of the shadows. |
Senior year: Acrylic paint. This piece won a gold key in the Scholastics Art Exhibit. The main focus was reflective surfaces. |
You'll notice two are in colored pencil and two are in paint. What's my favorite media for still lifes you ask? Well, I like colored pencil for very detailed drawings and paint for quicker applications. I can still do small details with paint but they are more exact with colored pencils. Also, paint offers a much better underpainting and I can easily cover mistakes unlike with colored pencil. So honestly, it depends on the type of still life I'm doing.
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