Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Minimalist Portraits

Actual drawings! Three cheers for more art! I must say, drawing in a college dorm is quite fun while listening to your Pandora account. I felt like I was getting a little rusty with my artistic-ness so I sat down and just drew for a couple of hours. It was strangely liberating and not so strangely enjoyable. The reason why the last two are a slightly different color is because it's cream paper.

Since I love drawing the features of the face more than the entire head itself, I'm enjoying drawing minimalist portraits. Doing it makes focus on each individual part of the face and its placement on the face. And the one of the portraits is a girl and one is a boy. Guess which one! I tried hard to make them distinct but it was hard once I added the eyelashes. The ear was also fun to draw. It's weird seeing that I've never really fully drawn an ear. Yeah I've drawn it with less details but I never focused on the ear alone.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Literature is art too! And I must admit, I'm getting a little lazy making new posts since I'm in college and all. I have been drawing, it's just that my camera's batteries are dead and I haven't felt like going down to the scanner in the computer lab. Therefore, I've decided to share some of my poetry. They are all past works, most of them written for my creative writing class that I did in high school. I try to be funny sometimes in my poetry since I think poetry doesn't just have to be somber, serious, and depressing all the time. It can be lighthearted too. So here's to being artistic in many ways! *toast*

Writer's Block
a penny for your thoughts
a nickel for your dreams
a dime for all ideas that
burst forth like the streams

a quarter for your musings
half dollar for your views
golden dollar coin for
notions of different hues

dollar bill for your whims
five for all your feelings
ten for your sentiments
that work best with dealings

twenty for a great plan
fifty for all your quirks
a hundred for your brain
since mine no longer works

This is one of my most favorite poems that I wrote. I really wanted to start a poem off with a well-known quote and then kind of...run away with it. And besides, who wouldn't want to pay to get rid of writer's block?

My love, my passion starts with a blank
And patiently it waits for my command
To smear it with all the thoughts I drank
And adorn it with marks from my own hand.

Just for my beloved, only the best,
The highest quality money can buy.
In prismatic gems is my love dressed
And with lavish strokes that catch the eye.

But at times it defies my instruction
This rainbow ignites an inner flame.
But its hues unite and lead in seduction,
So I'm weak to oppose this colored frame.

In creative frustration, my feelings I shove
Yet art still remains my passion, my love

Yes, it's about art. Yes, it's a sonnet.

If I Were Your Best Friend
I'd be there for you all the time
Except from 9:00 to 9:30. That's when Modern Family comes on.
I'd encourage you to do well in school
So I could copy off your homework.
I'd go with you to your annoying, second cousin's wedding in Florida
And then probably spend it with the groom's hot nephew.

I'd comfort you when your boyfriend breaks up with you
By hitting him upside the head and asking him what's wrong with him.
Then we'd share earbuds and listen to Kelly Clarkson's break-up songs.
And possibly Taylor Swift too.

I'd listen to your complaints about your parents being unfair,
Help you sneak out,
And then cover for you when they call my house wondering where you are
(I'd probably do a bad job, but I'll try).

We'd go shopping, and we'll try on clothes
That we'll never buy 'cause we don't have any money to speak of.

Then we'd end the day texting each other until we go to sleep,
Forget about our homework,
And then rush to get it done before second period,
'Cause it always has to be done before second period.

But since we're not best friends anymore,
I can only sit here behind you,
And remember all the good times we had,
All the bad times we laughed off,
And that you haven't given back that sweater you borrowed from me last week.

No, this is not in reference to any bad friend or anything like that.

Hoped you enjoyed these poems. There will probably be more to come in the future.